Adoption Lawyers in Greenville and Bonham, TX
Adoption of a child can bring so much joy to all parties involved. The process of adoption, however, can be a long, tedious one. With the help of an adoption attorney in Texas, you may be able to bypass many issues that may arise during your journey of adoption. We are now serving Hunt, Fannin, and Grayson Counties.
At Jessica McDonald and Associates, our adoption lawyer will provide thorough support and careful planning and communicate with you throughout the process. We want our clients to be informed because we know you make better decisions that way. Contact us today online or call us directly at (903) 458-9108 to schedule a Consultation.
What are the requirements to adopt?
The Department of Family and Protective Services has some basic requirements to be eligible to adopt/foster a child in Texas. According to the Texas Adoption Resource Exchange website, the following is a list of the basic requirements to adopt or foster a child in your home.
- Must be at least 21
- Must be financially stable and a responsible mature adult
- Give information regarding your background and lifestyle
- Give references (both related and nonrelated)
- Show proof of marriage or divorce
- Agree to a home study
- Submit to a criminal history background check and abuse/neglect check for all adults in the house
- Attend free training to learn about relevant issues
Visit the TARE website for more information regarding the Basic Requirements for Adoption in Texas.
What is an Adoptive Parent?
An adoptive parent has many of the same requirements, goals, and duties as a foster parent, but the end goal is different.
Adoptive Parents:
- Legal Guardianship: Adoptive parents legally become the child's parents through a formal adoption process. This process grants them full parental rights and responsibilities, including decision-making authority for the child's upbringing.
- Permanent Family: Adoptive parents provide a permanent and stable family environment for the child. Adoption typically severs legal ties with the child's biological family, and the child becomes a full member of the adoptive family, unless the final orders specify a continued relationship with the biological family.
- Emotional Support: Adoptive parents offer emotional support, love, and guidance to help the child adjust to their new family and navigate any challenges that arise.
- Financial Support: Adoptive parents are responsible for meeting the child's financial needs, including providing for their education, healthcare, and other essentials.
Can I Foster and Adopt?
Yes. It is fairly common for families to get certified in providing foster care and adoption. Foster care is a temporary placement option for children that are in the custody of the Department of Family Services and will either be reunited with their birth families or will be eligible for adoption in the future. Adoption is the legal process of taking care of a child as your own. There is a process to be qualified to either foster or adopt, or both. It is possible to foster a child/children and later agreeing to adopt.
What Does an Adoption Lawyer in Texas Do?
An adoption lawyer is an essential part of any adoption process. They can assist those looking to adopt as well as those placing their child up for adoption. They provide many services, including:
- Preparing and filing all legal paperwork
- Continuous up-to-date legal counsel
- Locating and communicating with those involved in a private adoption or an appropriate adoption agency
- Negotiating conditions and terms of the adoption
- Representing a client at all court appearances
An adoption lawyer ensures all aspects of the adoption are legally compliant with local, state, and federal law.
Adoption Lawyer vs Adoption Agency in Texas
Many people prefer to work with both an adoption lawyer and an adoption agency. An adoption agency typically offers more services in the way of mental health counseling and matching prospective families with babies. However, the adoption lawyer is the person with the legal skills and credentials to move the adoption through the court system. Especially in cases where the parties don't need assistance in being matched with a prospective baby or adoptive parents, just using the services of an adoption lawyer may be a less expensive route to take.
Legal Issues in Adoption
There are legal issues that can arise throughout the adoption process. Some of the most common issues that arise in the adoption process are described below.
- Putative Fathers: In some cases, it may be possible for a man to become aware of the existence of his child after the child has been adopted. If he can prove the relationship and meets other legal criteria, he may be able to establish himself as the legal parent and take custody of the child away from the adoptive parents.
- Relinquishment: In many jurisdictions, the birth mother has the right to withdraw her consent to the adoption up until the point she has signed a relinquishment of her rights. This can occur even after the adoptive parents have been selected and the child is born.
- Future Involvement: In cases of open adoptions, a situation may occur later down the line wherein one or both of the birth parents do not feel they are being allowed enough access to the child. They can then pursue the ability to spend more time with the child through the court system. Keep in mind, an open adoption means different things according to the state you live in.
Why Should I Hire an Adoption Attorney in Greenville, TX?
Adoption is a delicate matter that involves the lives and well-being of numerous people, not the least of which is a child. A birth mother and adoptive parents must go into the situation with open eyes and a realistic expectation of what might happen. Hiring an adoption attorney means you have someone who knows how to check all the boxes to ensure the entire process is compliant with all governing laws. Jessica McDonald knows the adoption process as she is an adoptive mother too.
Contact an Adoption Lawyer in Greenville Today
At Jessica McDonald and Associates, we help bring the joy of a child into your life. We navigate the adoption system with ease and use our resources to make the experience as smooth as possible.
Contact our adoption lawyers in Greenville and Bonham, TX using our online form or by calling us directly at (903) 458-9108 to get started today.